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OneAnabolic Steroind Online
OneAnabolic Steroind Online
Buy test cypionate 250 Dragon Pharma

Buy test cypionate 250 Dragon Pharma


Testosterone cypionate is the longest ester of male hormone. This drug has been very popular for several decades. This is due not only to its high efficiency, but also to the good susceptibility of the body. Since testosterone cypionate is completely identical to endogenous hormone in its properties, problems with its use are practically not observed.

Cypionate is very popular among American builders, and domestic athletes often use enanthate. However, both drugs are interchangeable and the difference between them is minimal. We offer you to buy Testosterone Cypionate at the best price.

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Positive qualities and effects of Testosterone Cypionate

High growth rate of muscle tissue with a significant delay in the body fluid.
Physical parameters increase.
The production of red bodies is accelerated and this in turn improves the quality of tissue oxygen supply.
The quality of seminal fluid improves dramatically.
Increased sexual desire.
Phosphorus metabolism is accelerated. Since testosterone cypionate acts on anabolic-type cellular receptors, this leads to normalization of the nitrogen balance in the body.

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Methods of use and dosage of Testosterone Cypionate

It is enough to enter cypionate only once during the day and this is a definite plus of the drug. In addition, theoretically, injections can be even less frequent, since the half-life of the anabolic is long, but in this case, the appearance of steroid pits is possible. If you have not used this drug, then you can safely conduct a testosterone cypionate solo course, which will be very effective.


Weekly dosages range from 0.25 to 0.5 grams. Pro-builders can use cypionate up to 0.8 grams for a week. If this dosage is exceeded, the cycle efficiency will no longer increase. Cypionate is often used in conjunction with other AAS. It goes well with almost all anabolics, but the best results can be obtained when used together with nandrolone.

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Since cypionate is very actively aromatized, in courses with its participation it is necessary to use antiestrogens, say, Proviron. You should also remember about rehabilitation therapy, since the steroid significantly inhibits the performance of the testicles. For this, tamoxifen is often used. If you performed a combined cycle of cypionate with nandrolone, then use Clomid on PCT.


Testosterone Cypionate Reviews

Although a fairly large amount of water is retained in the body during the course of the anabolic steroids, the quality of the mass gained is quite satisfactory. This fact is noted by all athletes who have already taken this steroid. Side effects with the proper use of anabolic are extremely rare. Builders also note that the price of Testosterone Cypionate is affordable, which cannot but rejoice. Pro-athletes practically do not use cypionate solo. But they recommend that novice athletes do not conduct combined cycles.